
Friday, 28 July 2017

Being Cyber Smart

Last week in health, my class played an online game called "Interland". This game was all about being cyber smart. It has 4 levels that needs to be done and passed. They all relate to being cybersmart online. Even though it was pretty annoying and takes long to finish, I still managed to finish it off properly. From the 4 lands(levels) I played, I learnt easy lessons. Like never give your password away because you'll never know what will happen. Or choose a hard password for your account so no one will take notice and hack into your account. From the game I received an online certificate which is above. I now know how to be more cybersmart. This is my very own interland certificate!

England Migration Model

This is my migration model that I created about England migration to New Zealand. This model shows the push and pull reason that causes the english to migrate. One of the push reasons why England started to migrate was that the numbers in England were getting too over populated. Wheres the pull reason is that New Zealand had plenty of free lands at the time. As you can see there is an arrow under the title saying "Mainstream Migration". Wheres another arrow in the bottom middle says "Counter Migration". The mainstream arrow is much thicker than the counter migration arrow. Why? Because more people from another land is migrating into another land, called mainstream migration. Wheres the bottom arrow is smaller because hardly anyone returned back to their lands, called counter migration. As part of my social studies work, this is part of what I've learnt. Enjoy my migration model! 

England Migrants

In term two I conducted a Social inquiry on Migration. My Social inquiry focussed on the movement of migrants from England to New Zealand. One of the push reasons why England left their country of origin was because in the 19th century, number of people were being sent to NZ by Lancashire because their country were getting too populated and there wasn't enough space for everyone. One of the pull reasons why they moved to New Zealand was because some workers in England were preferred by the New Zealand government in 1870’s. Some of these assistance were builders and agricultural labourers and were needed to work in another land which was New Zealand. Some of the obstacles they faced was that the land that they arrived on wasn’t theirs, it belonged to tribes that discovered the land before them. They basically were trespassing. The tribes weren’t happy with the situation. My personal perspective is that the plan of England migrating to New Zealand was a good idea. Why? Most of the things that are being used today was from England. Different types of sports that are known today like rugby, netball, soccer and more. Many different tastes of food that feeds the hungriness, proms and many other different useful things. Even though the english faced some serious problems when they arrived, they still managed to get over it and enjoy life in New Zealand. The fact that England migrated to New Zealand in the beginning was a great idea!